Having now witnessed just how useless the open-door policy actually was, I began to think about something. In the orientation, we had to watch an outrageously slandered and propaganda-filled video about why Walmart remains union-free. It is true, the union dues are costly, and often seem pointless, but the fact still remains-they are there to keep the workplace fair. Since I see how badly us employees are treated, I know their help would be very useful, and surely put an end to it. But, that would just be terrible for Walmart, wouldn't it? Having to pay us the bare minimum wages, and treat us right? Unspeakable! Below is a list of some of the ways we are mistreated, as collected by my personal witnessing, or my personal experiences.
- Forced to stay after the bus stops even though specified in their availability they can't work after that time
- Publicly reprimanded in front of customers
- Prohibited from wearing a jacket, should it contain any lettering of any kind, despite it being less than 40 degrees out
- Ignored when called to ring up alcohol, making a customer wait nearly 10 minutes to check-out.
- Scheduled break times pushed back over an hour
- Hours mysteriously unpaid for on paychecks, yet time worked clearly documents them
- Write-ups over not verifying price match ads, yet cashier speed is expected to exceed 600 IPH
- Expected to walk around bagging carousel to put customers' items in the cart, and still keep up speed
- Monthly department meetings, during which time employee critiques are announced publicly
- Hard work and commitment rewarded with less hours and the bare minimum annual raise
- Written-up for taking a 16 minute break, the allowed time being 15
- Hours cut down from 35 to 33.4, in order to eliminate the need to provide benefits
- Questioned by 2 managers why being sick was a good enough reason to be absent
- Schedules for 3 upcoming weeks withheld until 2 days before they actually happened
- Blatant put-downs from managers
- Disregard for these managers actions by upper-management
- Employee 'discount' card only applies to a select few food items and a certain general merchandise
Hi, first off, your blog is great!! I hope you're still monitoring these comments. I edit WorkersWrite, a website where workers tell stories about their working lives. I'd like to repost "The real reason Wal-Mart is union-free," which is a great post. Of course, we would credit you, and link back to your site. Please let me know if that would be okay. Thank you!
Rose Imperato
Editor, WorkersWrite